MPG-Latest News on 18-Tir Clashes in Tehran

Tear Gas Fired at the Crowds:

Help us identify this vigilante:

pAyandeh irAn

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

MPG : (Tehran) Tear Gas Fired at Crowds - @ 13:59 PST
A crowd of around 1000 people marched from 16 Azar Ave. towards the Enghelab Sq, shouting the following slogans:

- Free All Political Prisoners
- Unity, Unity

One Law Enforcement guard is reported to have been severely beaten up by the crowd.

Vigilante groups were outside the university area since this afternoon. It is also reported a middle age man and woman from the crowd were badly beaten up by the vigilantes and carried away by ambulance.


Tuesday, July 09, 2002

MPG - Request to Identify Vigilante - @ 14:34 PST
The picture shown here belongs to a vigilante responsible for attacking a demonstrator in Enghelab Square today.

If you know the identity of this neanderthal please pass it on to us at