18-Tir (July 9th)


**SDI-Saturday, July 20, 6:30pm, Irvine, CA, Film of 18-Tir & Aghajari's Speech**

**Jebheh Mottahed Daneshjouyee-eterAz beh sarkoobeh 18-Tir**

**Honoring 18-Tir, July 14, 3-6PM, Boston **

**IRANCOMMITTEE: Support the Students' Movement-Urgent**

**IAIS-Arrest of 18-Tir Student Leaders**

**Jebhe Democratic Iran-On Tehran's 18-Tir Demonstrations**


**Publications of Various Political Groups and Individuals**


**IAIS-The Third Anniversary of the 18th of Tir- A Victory for the Students of Iran**


**KRSI Radio-Latest News on Tehran Demonstrations**


**Zagros News-18-Tir Photos from Tehran**

**MPG-Latest News on 18-Tir Clashes in Tehran**

**IAIS-The 18th of Tir**

**IAIS-Demonstrations in Support of the Students in 18 Tir from across the Globe**

**Washington DC, July 9, 7:00-9:00PM, Jebhe Rally**

**Rally in Stockholm in Commemoration of Koye dAneshgah July 9, 1999**

**Ottawa, July 9, 12:00PM, Students Demonstration SADI**

**Various Event Announcements for 18-Tir (Updated)**

**IAIS Summons-July 7, 5-7 PM, Federal Building, Los Angeles, USA**\

**July 7, 5:00pm, Atlanta, US, 18-Tir Demonstration in Support of Students in Iran**

**18-Tir Statement of Iran Labor Party**


**18-Tir Statement of Advocacy Center for Freedom of Expression**

**IAIS-Manoochehr Mohammadi Transferred from Evin**

**RFE/RL's Interview with Father of Mohammadi Brothers**

**Father of Ahmad Batebi: I have no hope for my son's freedom**

**Iran's student leaders go on hunger strike**

**Increase of Ali Afshari's Jail Term**

**IAIS-Translation of Manoochehr Mohammadi's Letter to the European Union**

**Letter of Manoochehr Mohammadi from Evin Prison**

**Interview w/ Sister of Akbar & Manoucher Mohamadi**

**IHRWG-Students under the Death Threat-Nov 1999**

**18Tir: Anniversary of July 9, 1999**

**16-Azar 1332 (Dec 7, 1953) Rooz-e dAneshjoo**

**Slideshow of July 9, 1999 Students Movement in Iran**

**Slideshow of Human Rights in Iran**